New hairstraightner - review remington sleek&curl

Last week I bought a new hairstraightner because my old one was broken.

I bought the sleek&curl from Remington.
I bought it at saturn and payed about 52€.

In the packaginge there were the hairstraightener itself, a small bocklet, a DVD with instructions and styling tips and a pouch.
(The pouch is of much poorer quality than the ones of my Remington Curling-irons though the curlers were much cheeper. But I don't mind that so much since I will pretty sure never use these anyway XD)

This is how the straightener itself looks like:

It has 3 buttons on the side for switching on and off and to regulate the temperature and a display to show the actual temperature.
It has ceramic plates and heats up in 15sec which is pretty fast (and yeah that really works!)

Well I think everyone can imagine how straight hair looks like but here you can see my hair curled with it:

I think it turned out really good!
I tried to curl my hair with my old one onec but this didn't work. (it was not specificly made for that, though...)
With this one it works pretty well and also quite fast.

First I was a bit sceptical about the price since my old one was only 20€ and also my curling irons are not more than 30€, but I wanted to invest in a really good tool so I bought it and I'm really happy with it since I didn't expect the curling to work so good and I'm glad I have bought it and would really recomend it!

Price:          5/5     (it's not really cheep but definately worth it!)
Packaging:  3/5     (nice but nothing special)
Design:       3/5     ( "   "  )
Function:    5/5     (great, serves everything that is promised)

Homie-Reunion aka shopping in D-Dorf with Svenja XD

Today I meet Svenja inDuesseldorf.
We meet at the mainstation and went to OCS to take puris.
Sadly the usual machine is closed because of a defect. There is a new one but it's not so cool like the other one.

After that we went to have coffee at Starbucks and did a little shopping.
This is what I got:

And a recent picture at last: